Traits I Inherited From My Dad

My dad is pretty awesome. Happy Father’s Day, Pa!  Love ya.

1.  Eat healthfully.  Have an apple a day.  Don’t eat just to eat.  Enjoy cottage cheese as a delicious protein-punched snack.  Except also love pizza.  And love it with a passion.

2.  Make smart financial decisions.  Don’t overspend.  Save, save, save.  And then save some more. I didn’t follow this advice so well, however I did marry my husband, and he does this, so I count it as a win for myself.

3.  Be creative.  My dad once created this elaborate hoax where he and my younger sister “kidnapped” the neighbor’s Santa Claus around Christmas-time.  He wrote ransom letters and thought he was really helping the family nextdoor get into the holiday spirit.  Turns out, he actually traumatized those poor children, who thought Santa was in danger and that they weren’t getting any presents.  It still makes me laugh out loud when I think about this.

4.  Have incredibly large eyebrows.  Ok, eyebroW. Black one(s).  This one wasn’t so much a lesson learned, but more of a genetic characteristic.  A very bountiful one.

5.  Love your spouse.  My dad writes my mom little love notes and draws her pictures and writes her poems to tell her how much he adores her.  He’s been doing this now, for over half of his life.  It’s beautiful.

6.  Love your family.  Even your children or your wife or your siblings, when they are assholes going through a rough patch.  Maybe especially then.

7.  Get pissed off about things.  And act, for about 1 minute, like these things are the most important thing on the planet.  Especially if they’re not.  This doesn’t only come from my dad, I come from a long line of people who get pissed off over things.  Countertops.  Lights.  Carpets.  I don’t get pissed off so much over those things, but definitely over others and I think sometimes the “passion” over countertops and lights and carpets comes across much more strongly than it is really felt.

7.  Be committed.  Not to a mental hospital.  Well, yes, if you need one.  But, that’s not what I mean.  If you say you’re going to do something, do it.  If you are going to be married, be faithful.  If you are working with others, be honest.  Don’t do anything half-assed.

8.  Have at least a little bit of fear of getting Alzheimer’s.  And, maybe the gene.  We won’t really know for sure for a while now, but we know it runs in the family.  The good news is, we know how to love creatively, and how to save, and how to get pissed off, and how to remain committed, despite the pissing and moaning.  So, we should be okay.

 8-27 (2)

11 thoughts on “Traits I Inherited From My Dad

  1. You did it again. Another entry that I have to save and remember because it just makes so much sense. And although he’s been gone 10 years now, it made me remember things I’d forgotten about my own father. And now I’m off to write down some of the traits I inherited, whether I like them or not.

  2. This was so great, I love the notes! I’m a BIG FAN of notes, in the lunchbox, in the car, wherever they will find them! What a great picture, handsome dad and beautiful baby! I just wrote about my dad (TODAY, because Life) and while not as beautiful as yours, it’s funny the things we remember about our our dads. He did take me to get my first savings account, and I’ve always “put money into savings, RIGHT AWAY!” Good advice! And a GREAT POST!

    1. haha, yea we used to have to always put half of our “gift” money into savings….something I know I should do now but am not always good at doing! I’ll be checking out your tribute to your dad soon!

      1. I hated only being able to have half of the “gift” money! I have mostly the sentiments about my father, good and bad 🙂

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